Repiniques (hep-in-ee-kay)
A versatile instrument that combines hands and sticks to give a striking sound. You will hear their unique sound cutting between the surdos and the caixas. Also a popular lead instrument.
Caixas (ca-sha)
The snare drum can roll as well as providing a regular beat. You need to be quick with the sticks to play this one. No marching bands for us!
We use these big drums in two sizes: high/small (segundo) and low/large (primeiro). They are the bass of the rhythms, keeping time, they have a life all of their own.
A high-pitched rat-a-tat-tat sound that offers complicated rhythms. These players give the band a whirl of movement.
Agogo Bells
These add a musical hint to the thrumming rhythm. With lighter melodies, the bells provide tuneful accompaniment.
Chocalho / Shaker (shoc-kal-yo)
An instrument that is part of the make-up of all samba bands, giving the distinctive jingle sound.